2025 Early Career Grants Applications
We are delighted that you are considering applying to the 2025 RSTMH Early Career Grants Programme.
Please carefully review the following information before applying:
- Terms and Conditions
- Frequently Asked Questions
- How to use Benefactor
- Budget guidance
- Reference guidance
A Guidance Webinar on completing an application to the 2025 programme will be hosted on 26 March, 12.00-1.30PM GMT.
Click here to register attendance for the webinar. A recording of the webinar will be available on the RSTMH website after the event.
The following pages may also provide some helpful information to inform your application:
- Blog article – How to maximise your chances of success
- Previous/recent successful grant projects:
Please click the button below to commence your application.
The deadline for applications is Wednesday 14 May, 12PM (midday) BST.
Application form
The application form has 7 sections which the applicant needs to complete. There is further detail within the help text for each question to guide the applicant. Please see below a list of the sections, and the information requested in each.
1. Applicant Details
- Key information about the applicant, such as names, contact details, job title, and whether they are a member of RSTMH.
2. Employment and Experience
- Information about the applicant’s employing organisation and job history.
3. Qualifications, Awards and Publications
- Information about the applicant’s academic experience and how they meet the profile of an ‘early career researcher’.
4. Project Information
- Information about the applicant's proposed project, such as where and when it will be conducted, the project title and a detailed project statement.
- Applicants will need to provide a complete list of academic references to accompany their project statement.
- The applicant must detail how they have considered community involvement, gender equality and environmental considerations in their project design.
5. Project Costs
- Information on the project budget, other funding sources for the work, and detail on how the funding would impact the applicant’s career.
6. Referees
- Contact details for the applicant’s two referees: their supervisor and a senior member of their employing organisation.
- Uploaded PDFs of the reference letters from the two referees. More information on the information requested can be found on the Reference Guidance page.
7. Confirmations
- Confirmations from the applicant about their work and that they have understood the project’s Terms and Conditions.
Applicants can save their application and return to it at a later date as many times as they would like before submitting, before the application window ends. Please see the Benefactor Guidance page for more information on this. Once all of these sections have been completed, applicants will be asked to review their answers before submitting.
Once their application has been submitted, an applicant cannot edit it. If, at this stage, an applicant realises that they would like to change one of their answers, the applicant would need to withdraw their application and start a new application form.