Country Ambassadors

Our Country Ambassadors are experts in their fields who help connect us with our members, supporters and networks outside the UK.

The role Country Ambassador is a voluntary position, which was created as a result of our new strategy, which launched late 2017.

The role aims to ensure we are better connected with our members, supporters and networks outside of the UK. Ambassadors help influence how the Society operates, through their links to the Board of Trustees and also to the team.

Country Ambassadors, along with our Regional Ambassadors, help to ensure that researchers and professionals in their country or area can benefit better from the work of the Society. We also work together to decide how RSTMH can have the most impact in their respective countries and areas. 

They can also help us ensure the relevant individuals and organisations in their country are aware of RSTMH's work and activities, so that they are aware of how we can help them progress their careers, but also that their knowledge and expertise is represented in our networks and is part of our impact.