Dr David Wilson
Dr David Wilson
David was born in Zimbabwe, where he worked at the University of Zimbabwe from 1982 until joining the World Bank part-time in 2000 and full-time in 2003. David has had overlapping careers in academia, epidemiology and global health. His PhD examined interdisciplinary approaches to applied epidemiology and disease prevention and his work interests continue to lie at the confluence of these subjects. He first served as an external expert adviser to WHO in 1988.
Since joining the World Bank, David served as a Senior Monitoring Evaluation Specialist from 2003, Lead Health Specialist from 2007 and Programme Director from 2010. In 2013, he became Global Lead for Decision and Delivery Science in the health team. In 2020, he became the Team Leader for the COVID-19 Fast Track Facility and the Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Trust Fund.
David has worked in approximately 65 countries on all continents, including 28 countries in Africa and many fragile and conflict settings in Africa, the Middle East, South Asia, East Asia and the Pacific.
He has published approximately 150 scientific papers and given over 1,000 scientific addresses.