Dr Jolyon Medlock
Dr Jolyon Medlock
Dr Jolyon Medlock has worked on vector-borne diseases for >25 years, firstly in Africa on malaria control and lymphatic filariasis and since 2002, at Porton Down, for UK government health agencies (UK Health Security Agency, PHE, HPA). He leads the Medical Entomology group advising UK government on entomological aspects of vector-borne disease risk, managing UK-wide vector surveillance systems and research on mosquito- and tick-borne disease ecology & entomology, including impacts of environmental and climatic change. He works on Lyme disease ecology, detection of invasive mosquito vectors of dengue, and conducts ecological surveillance and research on the vectors of diseases such as West Nile and Usutu viruses and Tick-borne encephalitis virus. He also supports the UK Overseas territories in their dengue prevention work and ECDC in European tick surveillance projects.