Grant Awardees 2022
We are thrilled to announce the awardees of our 2022 Early Career Grants programme. We will be adding to this list as we continue to announce this year's awardees.

Mr Abdallah Zacharia, Tanzania - Effectiveness of wearing gumboots for prevention of snakebites, schistosomiasis and hookworm infections among subsistence farmers in rural Pwani region, Tanzania.
Mr Albert Ros-Lucas, Spain - Proof-of-concept for an epitope-based poly-specific antivenom against Bolivian vipers.
Miss Avni Blotra, India - Profiling the Toxicity index of Non-immunocaptured toxins to improve the efficacy of Indian Polyvalent antivenom.
Mr Bikram Poudel, Nepal - Primary health care facilities readiness for the management of snakebite in Madhesh Province of Nepal: A mixed method study.
Miss Cecilia Ngari, Kenya - Exploring limb volume measurements as a new clinical measure for cytotoxic envenoming by puff adders and spitting cobras in Kenya.
Dr Hamdja Moustafa, Cameroon - Envenoming syndromes among snakebite patients at the Poli District Hospital, and diagnostic utility of the 20-minute whole blood clotting test.
Mr Hayatu Saidu, Nigeria - Assessing the mechanisms of anaphylaxis to snake antivenom among fulanis accessing care in General Hospital Altungo, Gombe State, Nigeria.
Mr Jonathan Steinhorst, The Netherlands - Estimating frequency and aetiology of adverse antivenom reactions in snakebite treatment in Eswatini health facilities.
Dr Luciano Fusco, Argentina - New adjuvant formulation for antivenom production. Adjuvant activity of CpG-ODN formulated as a liquid crystal of ascorbyl palmitate.
Mr Sunil Koirala, Nepal - Situation analysis and readiness assessment of Snakebite Treatment Centers in Nepal.
International Trachoma Initiative

Mr Abebe Basazn Mekuria, Ethiopia - Community Dialogue Intervention for Trachoma Prevention and Control in Ethiopia: A Feasibility and Acceptability Study to Improve Uptake of NTD Services and Promote Recommended Behaviours.
Ms Evelyn Munayco, Peru - Enablers and barriers to SAFE interventions for trachoma elimination in indigenous Amazonian populations of Peru.
Mr James Arinaitwe, Uganda - Knowledge and perceptions of trachoma among the Karamojong in Northern-Uganda.
Dr Victor Abiodun, Nigeria - Testing a community-participatory education approach in recognizing, managing and referring trachoma cases in hard-to-reach rural communities in Northern Nigeria.
International Alliance for the Control of Scabies (IACS)

Dr Sarika Palepu, India, - The impact of training front-line health care workers in improving the yield of scabies diagnosis among under five children in a rural community of West Bengal.
The Journal of Comparative Pathology Educational Trust

Mrs Clara María Wiederkehr Bruno, Spain - Are drug-resistant pathogens in human populations putting penguins at risk? Prevalence of Salmonella in two populations with different anthropogenic influence.
The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene

Mr Emmanuel Francis Siddig, Sudan - The diagnostic accuracy of a Novel Multiplex PCR assay for rapid identification of eumycetoma causative organisms.
Mr Luciano Augusto Palomino Kobayashi, Peru - Development of Loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) for detection of colistin resistance gene mcr-1 in poultry samples from peri-urban Lima.
Mr Luis Cabrera Sosa, Peru - Molecular surveillance of drug-resistant Plasmodium parasites in remote communities in the Peruvian Amazon.
Dr Manuel K. Molina, Colombia - Pilot program of temporary contraception as an opportunity for access to antitrypanocidal treatment in indigenous women of childbearing age with Chagas disease in the Sierra.
Miss Shannan Summers, United Kingdom - Antihelminithic drug resistance monitoring in Schistosoma japonicum.
Mrs Sonya Ratefiarisoa, Madagascar - Easing the diagnosis of Female Genital Schistosomiasis through Artificial Intelligence solutions: a proof of concept from Madagascar – EFAIM.
The Vinehill Trust
Ms Beatrice Egid, United Kingdom - Vector-borne diseases in waste-picking communities in Vijayawada, India: exploring risk, impact and opportunities for control.
Dr Benedict Porter, United Kingdom - Diagnostic accuracy and inter-observer variation of subxiphoid non-expert echo in diagnosing heart failure in patients presenting with breathlessness in Kenya.
Dr Carlo Giannangelo, Australia - Leveraging inhibitors of human proteins and advanced omics techniques to discover new malaria drug targets that bypass resistance.
Dr Charlotte Dawson, United Kingdom - Assessing the Impact of Venoms on the Wound Healing Pathway.
Mr Christopher Shield, United Kingdom - Point-of-care diagnostics for Buruli ulcer, development and evaluation.
Miss Dinithi Bowatte, New Zealand - A transdisciplinary investigation of infectious disease: using a case study at Bwindi Impenetrable National Park to understand Global Health coloniality.
Mr Edwin Panford-Quainoo, United Kingdom - Antimicrobial Stewardship amongst community pharmacist and over-the-counter medicines practitioners: Experiences from Ledzokuku-Krowor Municipal Assembly (LEKMA), Ghana.
Miss Emma Widlake, United Kingdom - The role of viral diversity in establishing productive infections of important viruses.
Dr Gabriella Shanks, United Kingdom - Prevalence and mechanism of Carbapenem-Resistant Gram-Negative Enteric Infections in the Peruvian Amazon.
Ms Hope Simpson, United Kingdom - Remote health service evaluation for validation of lymphatic filariasis elimination: a pilot study in Cote d’Ivoire to assess feasibility and accuracy.
Miss Jessica Dutton, South Africa - The Obstetric Emergency Transportation System of King Cetshwayo district, kwaZulu-Natal, South Africa – the effects of major environmental disasters and COVID-19 A visual case study.
Mr John Archer, United Kingdom - Optimisation, Clinical Assessment and Validation of an Isothermal Recombinase Polymerase Amplification Assay for the Point-of-Care Molecular Diagnosis of Intestinal Schistosomiasis.
Miss Keirah Bartlett, United Kingdom - Are existing anti-inflammatory drugs valuable adjunct treatments for preventing morbidity caused by local snakebite envenoming?
Dr Lorna Benton, United Kingdom - Developing a novel framework to appraise AMR policy linkages and gaps through a healthy and sustainable diet perspective.
Miss Olivia Ingle, Northern Ireland - Cryptosporidium Seasonality in African Goats.
Ms Poppy Simonson, United Kingdom - Development of Leishmania species-specific diagnostics for human, canine and mammalian reservoir hosts.
Ms Rebecca Handley, United Kingdom - Metagenomic sequencing using the MinION™ to determine potential causes of idiopathic cutaneous ulcers in West Africa.
Dr Rebekah Jones, United Kingdom - Chimeric mRNA vaccine design to tackle antimicrobial resistant gonorrhoea.
Dr Sally Weston, Canada - The Impact of Intermittent Water Supply on Public Health and Well-Being in Kenya.
Mr Simmoy Noble, Jamaica - Identification of West Nile Virus Vectors and their Blood Feeding Patterns in Jamaica.