Dr Carmène Sandra Ngadjeu
Dr Carmène Sandra Ngadjeu
University of Yaoundé/OCEAC (Organisation de Coordination pour la lutte contre les Endémies en Afrique Afrique Centrale), Cameroon
Carmène Sandra Ngadjeu is a PhD holder in Parasitology and Ecology specifically in Medical entomology. For 7 years now, she has focused on the impact of house characteristics and community practice on mosquito distribution and malaria prevalence within the context of larval source management. Therefore, her areas of expertise are vector surveillance and control, LLINs efficacy, malaria distribution and prevalence, larval source management, community knowledge and involvement on vector-borne diseases and environmental (house) impact on malaria transmission. Dr. Ngadjeu has more than 10 publications in peer-reviewed journals and has experience conducting reviews for scientific journals.