Sheila West
Sheila West
Sheila West is a professor at the Wilmer Eye Institute, Johns Hopkins University and is recognized for her wide- ranging discoveries in public health ophthalmology, notably in trachoma. Her research has informed all aspects of the World Health Organization SAFE Strategy for trachoma control, from clinical trials on best practices for trichiasis surgery to the importance of clean faces in children to interrupt transmission. She was involved in and led several studies on optimal use of azithromycin to reduce trachoma and infection. Author of over 400 publications, Dr West has served on several boards and committees and has received numerous awards for her research. These include the American Academy of Ophthalmology International Blindness Prevention award, the Association for Vision and Ophthalmology Mildred Weisenfeld award, the Helen Keller award for Vision research, and the Internal Agency for Prevention of Blindness Excellence award.