Webinar | Global Health Security: pandemics, AMR and climate change

RSTMH have partnered with Health Professionals for Global Health and PanSurg to bring you this webinar on pandemics, AMR and climate change.
Recent pandemics, including COVID-19 and Ebola have demonstrated the need for resilient health systems and global health preparedness. However, globally only one third of countries have the capacity to respond to a health emergency in line with International Health Regulations with low and middle income countries or countries affected by conflict disproportionately affected by poor preparedness. In this webinar, we will explore factors which affect global health security such as the impacts of climate change on pandemics and the interplay of pandemics with existing issues of public health concern such as antimicrobial resistance.
- Adam Roberts, Reader, Antimicrobial Chemotherapy and Resistance, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine and RSTMH Policy Advisor on AMR
- Claudia Trupper, Public Health Specialist and Health Coordinator, International Committee of the Red Cross
- David Heymann, Professor of infectious disease epidemiology, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and RSTMH policy advisor on climate change
- Uzma Bashir Amir, COVID lead at the Program for Monitoring Emerging Diseases (ProMED) and WHO Pakistan
- Chair: Aula Abbara, Consultant and Honorary Research Fellow in Infectious Diseases, Imperial College London