Leave a gift

Leave a gift in your Will to RSTMH and help ensure a future where everyone, everywhere can experience equity in health.
Having a Will not only gives you the peace of mind that your family and loved ones will be taken care of, but it also provides an opportunity to make a difference to future generations by remembering the causes that are closest to your heart.
We know that a Will is a deeply personal and private document, so if you are considering remembering RSTMH in this special way, then we cannot thank you enough.
RSTMH has been supporting researchers in tropical medicine to save lives, fight disease and improve global health for over 100 years. A gift in your Will can ensure we will be here for the next generation of emerging talent, providing the tools they need to ensure everyone, everywhere can experience equity in health.
The power of a Will
One of the most famous advancements in global health was, in part, made possible because of a gift in a Wil. Sir Alexander Fleming worked in a shipping office for four years, before receiving a gift from his uncle’s Will that enabled him to attend medical school and pursue the career he really wanted.
Penicillin is still today the most widely used antibiotic in the world. However, if Alexander had never received that gift, he may have never gone to medical school and penicillin may not have been discovered.
Just imagine how your gift to RSTMH could help the next generation of Alexanders.
You can make a difference
Even a small gift in your Will can have a big impact. Just 1% of your estate could provide an early career researcher with the support they need to pursue their research, that could lead to the next breakthrough in tropical medicine.
Types of gift you could leave:
- Residuary gift - what is left over in your estate once expenses, gifts of money and specified gifts to friends and family have been paid
- Pecuniary, or cash gift - a cash gift of any amount of your choosing
- Specific gift - a gift of a particular item, for example a residential property, share portfolio, or personal possessions such as a painting or jewellery.
Your generosity, whatever the size of the gift, could help break the cycle of poverty and poor health:
- £240 – could fund the membership of a researcher or professional from a low- or middle-income country for eight years. This could widen their networks, enable them to share their knowledge more globally, and ultimately help them improve health around the world
- £1,000 – could fund a travel grant to hear inspiring content, meet new people and boost their career opportunities in tropical medicine and global health
- £5,000 – could fund an Emerging Leaders Award to recognise the next generation of leaders in tropical medicine and global health, giving them the profile to help them achieve more and inspire others
- £10,000 – could go towards funding a Research in Progress meeting to provide a platform for early career researchers to present their work for the first time, and receive mentoring. This could help them in the next steps in their research and wider opportunities
- £50,000 – could fund ten small grants to enable early career researchers and global health professionals to test out their early research ideas. This could lead to evidence that attracts greater support and ultimately fights disease and saves lives.
Next steps
Whether you are writing a new Will or you have one already, it’s easy to include a gift to RSTMH.
We recommend that you use a solicitor to make or amend your Will as they will ensure that your Will is valid and that your wishes will be met. All they need to know are the details of the gift you would like to leave, together with our name, address and registered charity number below. Then they will do the rest.
Name: Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
Address: Northumberland House, 303-306 High Holborn, London WC1V 7JZ, United Kingdom
Registered charity in England and Wales (1146162)
Download our Will guide
For more information, download a copy of our Will Guide, which tells you everything you need to know about leaving a gift in your Will to RSTMH.
If you already have a valid Will that you are happy with, but you want to add a cash (pecuniary) or specific gift to RSTMH, then it might be easier and cheaper to have a Codicil.
This is a legal document that allows you to make minor alterations to your existing Will without re-drafting the whole document. We recommend that you seek the guidance of a solicitor to ensure that your intentions will be fully carried out.
Download a copy of our Codicil
If you have decided to include a gift to RSTMH in your Will and you would like some advice over wording, you can download our attached example Will clause wordings to take with you to your solicitor.
Download a copy of our Will clause wordings
Alternatively, to order printed copies of any of the above please contact tamar [dot] ghosh [at] rstmh [dot] org (subject: Leaving%20a%20gift%20in%20my%20Will%20for%20RSTMH) (Tamar Ghosh).
A gift in your Will could help change the future of global health. In return for remembering us in this special way, we will make the following promise to you:
- You are not bound to your decision and are free to change your mind at any time
- We know that your family and loved ones come first.
We will never pressure you
You are under no obligation to tell us if you are remembering RSTMH in your Will. Although, if you do choose to, we would love the opportunity to thank you and keep you updated on our work, as well as our hopes and ambitions for the future – that your gift might one day help to fund.
If you have asked to fund something specific in your Will, we will allocate the funds in line with your wishes, unless it is not possible because that project or programme is no longer running.
We will spend any gift you leave carefully, to ensure that it has the greatest possible impact.
We will recognise you and your gift in our newsletter, on the RSTMH website and in our book of remembrance.
Contact us
If you are considering leaving a gift in your Will and you would like some further information, please contact tamar [dot] ghosh [at] rstmh [dot] org (subject: Leaving%20a%20gift%20in%20my%20Will%20for%20RSTMH) (Tamar Ghosh).
If you have already included a gift in your Will, please contact tamar [dot] ghosh [at] rstmh [dot] org (subject: Leaving%20a%20gift%20in%20my%20Will%20for%20RSTMH) (Tamar Ghosh).
You are under no obligation to tell us, but should you choose to do so, we would love the opportunity to thank you and to keep you updated on the sort of work that your gift might one day help to fund.