Soulsby Foundation calls for applications for 2019 One Health fellowships
The Soulsby Foundation has opened a call for applications for the 2019 Travelling Fellowships Programme.
The Foundation supports talented veterinary and medical researchers at an early stage in their careers through these competitively awarded Travelling Fellowships in One Health. Applicants must be affiliated to a biomedically relevant academic institution in the UK, USA, EU or Australasia.
Further information and application forms for the Fellowships are online. The closing date for applications is 31 January 2019.
Champion of One Health

he Soulsby Foundation was established in 2016 by Lord Soulsby of Swaffham Prior, a pioneer and champion of the One Health concept which recognises the need to take a multidisciplinary approach to solving global and environmental health challenges.
Lord Soulsby treasured a similar travelling award early in his professional life, which he considered to be the catalyst that consolidated his future impressive career.
He always sought to inspire colleagues and students to view animal and human medicine as one continuous health-related tapestry.
He was the only individual to have served as President of both the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (1984-1985) and the Royal Society of Medicine (1998-2000), as well as the only member of his profession in the House of Lords.
Lord Soulsby of Swaffham Prior was former veterinary surgeon to the Queen as well as Dean of the School of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Cambridge.
In 2015, Lord Soulsby was awarded the Queen’s Medal by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons for his ‘outstanding lifetime contribution’ to juxtaposing the worlds of medical and veterinary science.
He died in 2017 but his pioneering approach lives on in the work of the Foundation which carries his name.
RSTMH and One Health
As our world becomes more interconnected and interdependent, RSTMH believes we must consider a wider approach to improving health through multiple disciplines and sectors.
Indeed, our 2017-2022 strategy recognises the importance of our links with animal and planetary health, and the underlying social, structural, economic and environmental factors that determine health around the globe.
With this is mind, we identified planetary health and the consideration of human health alongside animal health and the environment as one of our six priority areas.
Our Topics in Infection meeting, which takes place on 25 January, will host Sarah Cleaveland OBE, Professor of Comparative Epidemiology, Institute of Biodiversity Animal Health and Comparative Medicine, University of Glasgow as the Keynote Speaker on the topic of rabies.