New Editor in Chief for Transactions

Professor Nick Day has been appointed to the role of Editor in Chief (EIC) of scientific journal Transactions, as Professor Sir Brian Greenwood steps down after four years in the role.
Professor Day, a Professor of Tropical Medicine and Director of the Mahidol Oxford Tropical Medicine Research Unit, Thailand, and of the Wellcome Trust Thailand Asia and Africa Programme, said: “Transactions has been an important forum for the tropical medicine research community for over a century, and I feel both excited and privileged to be taking on the role of Editor in Chief.
“I look forward to working with RSTMH and the Editorial Board, building on the success achieved under Brian’s leadership, to ensure that Transactions as a learned society journal reports the best and most relevant science while being more accessible than ever as the ‘go to’ journal for tropical medicine researchers around the globe”
Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene, one of two scientific journals published by RSTMH, publishes authoritative and impactful original, peer-reviewed articles and reviews on all aspects of tropical medicine.
Professor Greenwood, who was also RSTMH President from 2005 to 2007, said: “During the past four years, I have had the privilege of being Editor in Chief of the Transactions, a period during which, like all of us, the Society and its journals have faced many challenges. However, thanks to the strong support for the journals from the Managing Editor and the office staff of the Society, the journals have made good progress increasing the number of publications and their citation indices.
“I am very pleased that Professor Nick Day will be taking over from me as I know that under his guidance the Transactions will continue its long tradition of publishing good papers reporting the work of those working to alleviate the inequities in health care of those living in the tropics and other poorly resourced countries that persist from colonial times until today.”
On the appointment, RSTMH Chief Executive Tamar Ghosh said: “During the last four years of Brian’s tenure as Editor in Chief, Transactions has achieved many successes. The start of his term coincided with a change in the overall business model of our journals, creating the new Editor in Chief role alongside the roles of Editorial Adviser and Associate Editors on the newly imagined Editorial Board. Brian oversaw these changes, helping us recruit a new team of global experts to guide the journal. During the last four years the journal has also achieved an increase in submissions and an improved impact factor.
“Under his guidance we have also published four special issues, including one on the topic of Mycetoma, and an open access issue on Podoconiosis. We also published an open access special issue in partnership with the WHO to mark the launch of the NTD Road Map 2021-2030 and a second open access issue focused on modelling the impact of COVID 19 on NTD programmes, in partnership with the Oxford Modelling Group. Brian has provided strong guidance and leadership in the role of EIC and we thank him for all he has achieved for the journal."