Special issue: mycetoma
We are thrilled to have published a special issue of Transactions which focuses on mycetoma and brings together some of the leading experts in the field, including Wendy van de Sande, Mustafa Elnour Bahar, Elsheikh Mahgoub, Nathalie Strub-Wourgaft, Alexandro Bonifaz and RSTMH President, Professor Gail Davey.
The special issue touches on a range of topics, including the first and sole comparative clinical trial of a new medication for mycetoma that is only now underway in Sudan. This shows how current disease management guidelines have been built on a foundation of anecdotal treatment experience and consensus opinion.
The resources required to assess drug efficacy accurately have not been deployed until now for the alleviation of mycetoma.
Inevitably, the imperative for new drug discovery in this disease has been muted, partly because, in a market-driven economy, mycetoma does not appear on the therapeutic needs radar.
Guest editors

The special issue guest editors are:
Professor Ahmed Fahal:
Ahmed Fahal is a Professor of Surgery at the University of Khartoum in Sudan and founding Director of the Mycetoma Research Centre, University of Khartoum and Mycetoma Control Programme, Ministry of Health, Sudan.
Professor Rod Hay:
Rod Hay is Emeritus Professor of Cutaneous Infection, Kings College London and Dermatology, Queens University Belfast and a Consultant Dermatologist at the London Bridge Hospital.
Dr Kingsley Bampoe Asiedu:
Dr Asiedu is a Medical Officer at the WHO Department of Neglected Tropical Diseases, specialising in Buruli ulcer and yaws.
> Mycetoma – a long journey out of the shadows
R J Hay, Kingsley Bampoe Asiedu, A H Fahal
Original Articles
R J Hay
> Mycetoma in Sudan: experience of the Mycetoma Project from 1968 to 1991
Elsheikh Mahgoub
Short communications
> Mycetoma: the journey from neglect to recognition as a neglected tropical disease
Ahmed H Fahal
> The Khartoum call for action Khartoum, Sudan – 2019
A H Fahal
Original Articles
> The use of traditional medicines among mycetoma patients
Ezzan Kunna, Taro Yamamoto, Ahmed Fahal
> Metagenomics of black grains: new highlights in the understanding of eumycetoma
Antonella Santona, Najwa A Mhmoud, Emmanuel Edwar Siddig, Massimo Deligios, Maura Fiamma, Sahar Mubarak Bakhiet, Aleksandra Barac, Bianca Paglietti, Salvatore Rubino, Ahmed Hassan Fahal
> A study of 87 mycetoma patients seen at three health facilities in Nouakchott, Mauritania
M Kébé, O Ba, M A Mohamed Abderahmane, N D Mohamed Baba, M Ball, A Fahal
> Surgery in mycetoma-endemic villages: unique experience
El Samani Wadaa Mohamed, Sahar Mubarak Bakhiet, Mustafa El Nour, Suliman Hussein Suliman, Hajo Mohamed El Amin, Ahmed Hassan Fahal
> Melanin production in coelomycetous agents of black grain eumycetoma
Wilson Lim, Florianne Parel, Sybren de Hoog, Annelies Verbon, Wendy W J van de Sande
Rita Okeoghene Oladele, Fatimata Ly, Douduo Sow, Ayesha O Akinkugbe, Bright K Ocansey, Ahmed H Fahal, Wendy W J van de Sande
Short Communications
> Thoracic actinomycetoma: a retrospective clinical-epidemiological study of 64 cases
Alexandro Bonifaz, Andrés Tirado-Sánchez, Javier Araiza, Leonel Fierro-Arias, Areli Martínez-Gamboa, Alfredo Ponce-de-León
Daudi Mavura, Peter Chapa, Doriane Sabushimike, Lulyritha Kini, Roderick Hay
Original Article
> In vitro susceptibility testing for black grain eumycetoma causative agents
Wendy W J van de Sande
Review Article
> Actinomycetoma laboratory-based diagnosis: a mini-review
Emmanuel Edwar Siddig, Wendy W J van de Sande, Ahmed Hassan Fahal
Original Articles
Rasha S Azrag, Sahar M Bakhiet, Najwa A Mhmoud, A M Almalik, A H Mohamed, Ahmed H Fahal
> Mycetoma spatial geographical distribution in the Eastern Sennar locality, Sennar State, Sudan
El Taib S Ganawa, Mesoud A Bushara, Abdelrahman E A Musa, Sahar M Bakhiet, Ahmed H Fahal
> Mycetoma and the Community Dermatology Program, Mexico
Estrada Roberto, Chávez-López Guadalupe, Estrada-Chávez Guadalupe, Roderick Hay
> Mycetoma imaging: the best practice
Mustafa Elnour Bahar, Osama E L Hadi Bakheet, Ahmed Hassan Fahal
Rowa Fathelrahman Omer, Eiman Siddig Ahmed, Buthyna Mamoun Ali, Hana E Alhaj, Sahar Mubarak Bakhiet, El Samani Wadaa Mohamed, Nathalie Strub-Wourgaft, Ahmed Hassan Fahal
Short Communication
> Human actinomycetoma caused by Actinomadura mexicana in Sudan: the first report
Emmanuel Edwar Siddig, Bertrand Nyuykonge, Mohammed Tayfour Ahmed, Rowa Hassan, Eiman Siddig Ahmed Saad, Najwa Adam Mhmoud, Sahar Mubarak Bakhiet, Wendy W J van de Sande, Ahmed Hassan Fahal
Original Article
Dania M Zaid, Osama E Bakheet, Eiman Siddig Ahmed, Fatima Abdalati, Najwa A Mhmoud, El Samani Wadaa Mohamed, Sahar Mubarak Bakhiet, Emmanuel Edwar Siddig, Ahmed Hassan Fahal
Short Communication
Osama Elhadi Bakheet, Muawia Ahmed Hassan, Ahmed Hassan Fahal
Original Articles
> Massive complicated secondary inguinal mycetoma: a case series
Eshraga Abakar Ezaldeen, Eiman Siddig Ahmed, Ahmed Hassan Fahal
> Mycetoma caused by Microascus gracilis: a novel agent of human eumycetoma in Sudan
Najwa A Mhmoud, Emmanuel Edwar Siddig, Bertrand Nyuykonge, Sahar Mubarak Bakhiet, Wendy W J van de Sande, Ahmed Hassan Fahal
Short Communication
> Invasive, aggressive mastoid bone eumycetoma: a treatment challenge
Abubaker Ahmed Yosif, Sahar Mubarak Bakhiet, Tagwa Hayder Abdalla, Najwa Adam Mhmoud, Emmanuel Edwar Siddig, Ahmed Hassan Fahal
> Research capacity building with mycetoma as the central research challenge
Gail Davey, Clare Callow, Melanie J Newport
> Development of the Global Mycetoma Working Group
Rita M Traxler, Karlyn D Beer, David D Blaney, Wendy W J van de Sande, Ahmed H Fahal, Kingsley B Asiedu, William A Bower, Tom Chiller