Christian Nwosu
Christian Nwosu
Christian Nwosu is a Public Health Practitioner with over 15 years’ experience working in NTDs. I have special interest in Digital Health Solutions, and Geospatial epidemiology. I currently work within the Sightsavers NTD Technical Hub Team. I am based in Nigeria. I Have supported countries in the pilot and roll-out of digital health solutions. Before now, I use to work as NTD Technical Manager in a UKAID-funded project, where I supported the scale-up of the use of electronic platform for Mass Drug administration and use of electronic platform for mapping of LF-related hydrocoele and lymphoedema cases. I am excited about bringing in Digital Innovations into the NTD work we do as Sightsavers globally. I love to support government in the use of digital platforms for NTDs.