Professor Margaret Gyapong
A medical anthropologist by training, Professor Gyapong is currently RSTMH Co-President Elect and Professor of Applied Health Social science and Global Health at the University of Health and Allied Sciences. She has an interest in health systems, Implementation research, gender and the sociocultural aspects of Neglected tropical Diseases, Malaria and Maternal and child health.
With a masters in Medical Anthropology and a PhD in Epidemiology, Prior to joining the university Margaret worked in the Ghana Health service as Deputy Director for research and Development in charge of the Dodowa Health Research Centre.
She has served on the WHO Steering Committee on Implementation Research (2011-2015) and the Steering Group for the WHO/GMP Global Technical Strategy on Malaria (2010–2013), as well as Chair of the WHO Lymphatic Filariasis Guidelines Development Group (2017). She was instrumental in the development of the WHO toolkit on Implementation Research. She is currently Chair of TDR’s Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee, a member of WHO’s Scientific and Technical Advisory Group on Neglected Tropical Diseases (STAG-NTD) and the WHO/AFRO Advisory Committee on Health Research and Development. In addition, she is the chair of the Ghana Schisto and STH Expert committee, a member of the Sightsavers Global and GLIDE board of trustees. In 2017, she was among the first 12 women to receive the heroine of Health award by the Women in global health for her work in drawing attention to the needs of women suffering from the consequences of Neglected Tropical Diseases and in 2021, She was adjudged the most outstanding female scientist of the year by The European and Clinical Trials Partnership for her contribution to research, training, and mentorship in reducing poverty-related diseases.